
Installation view of 'A las cinco de la tarde' by Marie-Jo Lafontaine. Picture: Marie-Jo Lafontaine.

Artist: Marie-Jo Lafontaine

Title: A las cinco de la tarde

Date of creation: 1984

Type: Video installation



Barbican Centre, London, July 27, 2014 & e-mail correspondence.


Dave Rice is an audiovisual archivist and consultant based in New York City. He has worked for broadcasters such as Democracy Now! and Channel 13, and organisations like amongst others the...

The Kryoflux board.

Author: Emanuel Lorrain (PACKED vzw)

Published in: 'ICOM-CC, Modern Materials and Contemporary Art Working Group...

Detail of the DVA-Profession system.

Österreichische Mediathek, Vienna, May 6 2014.


The Austrian Mediathek is in charge of the long-term preservation and access to the Austrian audiovisual...

An open reel 1/4" audio tape and its box. Picture: AMSAB.

Author: Emanuel Lorrain (PACKED vzw)

Publication date: August 2013


Terwijl de magnetische opname reeds werd uitgevonden op het einde van de jaren 1870, verscheen de magnetische tape pas in...

Author: Emanuel Lorrain (PACKED vzw)

Published in 'Digital Art Conservation. Preservation of Digital Art:...

Auteur: Emanuel Lorrain (PACKED vzw)

Gepubliceerd op: October 2014


Musea, archieven en andere cultureel-...

Een schematische voorstelling van de omzetting van een analoog naar een discreet signaal.

Author: Rony Vissers (PACKED vzw)

Publication date: May 2014


De digitaliseringsfirma die in opdracht van VIAA de audiocassettes en 1/4" reel-to-reel audiotapes digitaliseert, gebruikt een PCM (Pulse Code...

Author: Emanuel Lorrain (PACKED vzw)

Publication date: March 2014


Hundred of thousands of hours of audio-visual material are still being held by Flemish...

Video cassettes digitised within the framework of the DCA project (photograph: WRO Art Center).

FARO, Brussels, February 14, 2013


WRO was founded in 1989 as an international festival of media art, which has surpassed its role of being just a cyclical event, and since 1998 has been operating as the WRO Center for Media Art Foundation...

Artists: Elsa Stansfield and Madelon Hooykaas

Title and date of creation: A selection of twenty-two works made between 1972...

Installation view of 'My Hard Drive Experiencing Some Strange Noises' (2007) by Grégory Chatonsky. Credits:

Galerie de La Reine, Brussels, June 22, 2012


Grégory Chatonsky is a French artist who was born in Paris in 1971 and who works mainly with computer technology and the Internet. After studying philosophy at Paris-Sorbonne...

Artist: Danny Matthys

Titles and dates of creation: Zeedijk Knokke-Heist (1973-74); Lager gelegen weiland (1973); Prudence van Duyseplein (1974); Coupure Links / Coupure...

A still image from Arnold van Wedemeyer's generative work 'generate #3' © Arnold von Wedemeyer, 2000

transmediale office, Berlin, July 24, 2012


transmediale is a Berlin-based...

Video Head Clog artifacts from the A/V Artifact Atlas.

Bay Area Video Coalition, San Francisco, June 8, 2011


Sarolta Cump and Lauren Sorensen work in the video preservation department of the Bay Area Video Coalition (BAVC)...

Poster representing a CRT in the video lab of the HKB.  Photo: PACKED vzw.

La Caneva, Brussels, November 6, 2009 & HKB, Bern, November 9, 2010


Johannes Gfeller studied Art History, Theoretical Linguistics and Philosophy. He has been involved in video art since the end of the 1970s. He has been a...

Stichting Computer Erfgoed Nederland,

Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst, Amsterdam, May 30, 2011


Gerard Alberts teaches history of computing at the University of Amsterdam, and at the Preservation of New Media program at the Akademie der bildenden Künste in Stuttgart...

<small><i>The 8-Bit Construction Set Atari Data</i> by Paul B. Davis. Photo: iMAL.</small>

iMAL, Brussels, August 19, 2010


Yves Bernard has been the manager of iMAL (interactive Media Art Laboratory), a Centre for Digital Culture and Technology in Brussels, since 1999.  In 2007, iMAL started to organise exhibitions,...

Bay Area Video Coalition, San Francisco, June 8, 2011


After a background as a Unix systems administrator, Mark Hellar became involved in the context of media art when working at the Bay Area Video Coalition...

picture of pcs

WDA head office, Paris, May 7, 2011


Mathieu Charreyre founded the WDA association with two friends since childhood in 1996, with the ambition of creating France’s first information technology heritage museum. Today, the WDA’s collection...


Evolutions like the rapid obsolescence of technologies and formats, the leap from the analogue to the digital realm and the ever-growing production of audio-visual materials create great challenges to all institutions that collect, manage and safeguard audio-visual collections. The SCART website gives access to an ever-expanding pool of knowledge on the preservation of audio-visual heritage that is being created by PACKED vzw and its partner organisations. It aims to help memory institutions and others with the task of preservation.

Project results

An important part of this expertise results from projects in which PACKED vzw has been or is involved. An example of such a project is Obsolete equipment – the preservation of playback and display equipment for audio-visual art (2009-2011), a collaboration between PACKED vzw and the Netherlands Media Art Institute. The goal of this project was to improve and ensure the digitisation and long-term preservation of audio-visual artworks that are threatened by the obsolescence of essential playback and display equipment.

PACKED - centre of expertise in digital heritage

PACKED vzw has grown from a platform organisation for the archiving and preservation of audio-visual arts into a centre of expertise for digital cultural heritage. In Flanders and Brussels it plays an important role in consolidating the development of expertise in digitisation and digital archiving, and in spreading the acquired expertise. It aims at improving and safeguarding the quality and efficiency of actions with regard to digitisation and digital archiving within the broader field of cultural heritage. More info on PACKED vzw can be found at

Other PACKED websites are:

logo PACKED vzw logo project cest logo project tracks logo dca project logo scoremodel | The website of PACKED vzw: Centre of Expertise in Digital Heritage. | The website of the CEST project ('Cultureel ErfgoedStandaarden Toolbox' / Cultural Heritage Standards Toolbox) coordinated by PACKED vzw, which purpose is to help cultural heritage institutions to select the right standards for the creation, management and dissemination of digital collections. | The website of the TRACKS toolbox coordinated by PACKED vzw, which purpose is to help artists and arts organisations with the care for their own archives and collection(s). | The website of the European digitisation project Digitising Contemporary Art, coordinated by PACKED vzw. | Evaluation tool which determines the threats and risks regarding the long-term sustainability of your digital assets.

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